Through the Terrains with Jesus | 013
Somehow walking this terrain seemed to be all about worship. Studying the Word like I normally do wasn’t fitting into this terrain. Diving deep into the Word to know the roots and origin wasn’t cutting it in this terrain. It was only worship.
I was so use to my routine of digging, diving, soaking in the Word the past few years that I felt “out of place” for not diving deep into the Word. It was new. Nothing I recognized before.
And that was just it. Walking a new terrain with Jesus.
While waiting for the week to come, for my appointment with the specialist, a text flowed through my phone that left me feeling guilty.
Before I go any further, I have to first explain this. God brought me to the wilderness. Keeping to “myself” with Him, certain people, and certain sermons I needed. It was needed because what the Lord was doing, He needed my full attention with no distractions and no words spoken that He was trying to uproot out of me.
God knew the process it took for word curses to be uprooted in me. It took an all year thing, last year to be honest. He knew the pain it caused to go back and visit those places, the long journey it took for me to walk in the clear to become whole. He knew how hard, difficult, challenging it was to rework the path of words spoken over my life that I once received and believed over myself. Words that were false, not truth.
But in order for me to be in the clear, whole, healed, new, He needed me to be away from people to be in the wilderness with just Him and I.
And in that time, nobody understood why I was “MIA”. No family member, no friend, quite understood. “Isolation” was what was spoken to me quite bit as they thought I was being isolated, but with each time that word was spoken, God repeatedly told me to not accept it and instead know that I am with Him. All what God wanted to do deep within my heart, I needed to be away for a moment. Temporarily.
Friend, no family member or friend who doesn’t walk closely with the Lord, will not understand it. God doesn’t isolate but hides you in His embrace, in His presence, walking with you to uproot whatever needs to be uprooted so you can fulfill your calling.
We can’t grow without first uprooting old roots. We can’t heal without first walking through the grief, the pain, the past. We can’t become whole on our own, it takes our all mighty God to walk us through as he gently leads us to wholeness.
I didn’t sit in that guilt text for long. It only took a few seconds for me to release it to the Lord.
He gave me the green light to go and make a visit. But in this visit, I were to not mention details of what God is doing in my life, why I have been quiet, and as the Lord said…. “protect the ________.” I had to protect my family, my mind, my heart from any disarming words. I needed to place the full armor of God on.
I was prepared for this. But I wasn’t always prepared.
God had to show me how to fight first, the proper way, though prayer, through the Word, soaking in His Word, mediating on it, knowing it, understanding it, applying it, all to become whole healed and new FIRST before I could take this next step.
We sometimes don’t see why things happen the way they do. We tend to jump scenarios or want to know right away what it is He is doing.. but this can’t be so. We can’t know everything. There will be times the Lord will reveal what will come about, but most of the times, He keeps it hidden so we can trust his leading and guidance through the terrain.
If we are to never walk the terrains, we will never learn to trust in thee. We will find ourselves carrying self-reliance. Meaning, relying on our ownself, trusting in our own understanding, and leaning on our ownself.
This isn’t what God wants for us. He wants to be our Father. One that we solely rely on. Trusting that, He as a father, will never abandon us or lead us in the wrong direction. He wants what is best for us, all for our good and for His glory.
I know the terrain seems new. I know the terrain seems unfamiliar. I know the terrain seems a bit edgy.
But friend, walking the terrain is what we need to walk to our destination. If we can’t walk the terrain, then who are we really trusting? Ourselves? Or Jesus?
May that be the question I leave this Marker with for today….