Should Christians Participate in Halloween?
Boy oh boy has this conversation sparked some interests over the past few months and couple of years. Last year the Lord profoundly highlighted these holidays and how christ followers are following the trends of the world.
I was one who would participate in halloween before I came to christ. And when I came to christ, I still participated. Though I never dressed scary I still wore costumes and allowed my children to do so. It didn’t seem bad. I mean everyone else who loves God participate in it also, why shouldn’t we?
Until last year came and I felt a huge conviction from the Lord about this holiday and how Christ followers should not be celebrating or participating in this holiday. We hear “but I am not participating, I am simply shining my light to those who need it”, we must also know the Lord doesn’t call us into dark places he calls us OUT of the darkness and into his marvelous light | 1 Peter 2:9.
I never saw it bad, but I did see some wicked things on that holiday that would shake me and plant in fear. I never knew why, after all it was just a holiday and everything was fake, right? Wrong!
The year that shook me was three years ago when we went trick or treating with our kids in our neighborhood and we came across this house that I will never forget. On her lawn and up to her home was decorated as this huge magic ball that looked like a psychic reading piece. You enter through it and she had this long tube connected from her house to the outside to the ball dropping the full size candy bars. And I mean full size like the candies from Sam’s, not the small bite treat size. But let me tell you, walking up it I was already feeling this hot sensation inside that I didn’t understand much of yet. I only felt it once during Pentecost week. But I knew deep inside something wasn’t right. Something didn’t feel right. I then saw the lady pop out and she was dressed as a fortune teller. We walked away from the home and I knew right there and then something was not right and we shouldn’t be participating in this holiday even if we are Christ followers.
This was 3 years ago.
Later last year the Lord said to not participate for when you participate you are celebrating and allowing evil in. Doors are opening that is unseen.
WHAT??? Was this even true? How could this be if churches do “fall festivals” and “Trunk or Treats” and other things…. why must we stay hidden within, wouldn’t that be based out of fear?
No. Not at all.
It had nothing to do with fear. With God’s guidance he was showing this holiday and other holidays (more to come on this) are pagan holidays. Holidays he never created yet are hugely celebrated.
Have we ever came to think of how Jesus has his day to be celebrated yet, here satan is who does as well? Friend, he wants to be like God, and by trying to be like him he creates his own holiday, has his own trinity, his own works of darkness.
There are times mentioned in the Bible where God had to hide his people for a short amount of time to protect. There is a story that comes to mind as I write this. The story of the plagues, and the death angel were to sweep over, but not touch the ones who are covered by the lamb on their door posts.
This story is to remind us that there are times we are to stay hidden away from evil acts, darkness, dark celebrations for protection. Never out of fear but out of wisdom.
As I began to feel the Lord tugging on my heart about this holiday, stripping it away from what we are told is still okay as we are covered by the blood of Jesus, I wanted to know more about it and why christians, christ followers, should not celebrate or “participate”. I was then brought to John Ramirez. He was a former satan worshipper, one who was his second hand, and converted to a Christ follower. He speaks all on truth of how satan works even more on this holiday. It began to bring confirmation to my spirit of why we don’t allow halloween in our home.
There were a few times I went to trunk or treats at churches and at each one I would come across evil trunks. They would decorate them not so funny, not so kind, but pure evil. They would say its a joke but inside I would feel this hot sense as in “why would they joke about this if they call themselves to be the light?”
Friends, do we truly know where halloween was originated from? Do we truly know the history and how it came from a deep root of pure evil? Even with name changes, it still is being celebrated today as if it’s changed to good but friend, there is no good on this holiday. You can rewrite that origin, that root, where it came from. We should be cautious on what doors we open and allow within our homes, family, and hearts. We must guard and protect our heart and everything we encounter.
Candy can be bought anytime of the year. Is is truly spiritual wrecking to go out for some candy on a dark day?
Answer is no. Followers of Christ should not risk participating on this holiday.
I spoke more about it on the podcast titled Should Christians Participate in Halloween, to take a listen, tune in on Apple Podcast here or on Spotify here.
Friend, I pray you receive the Fathers discernment and be led in his direction as you begin to make the decision for you and your family. I pray you hear his voice and not your own or others. And I pray for boldness, audacity and courage to stand for God and not participate in the present evil darkness lurking. May the Lord’s strength of all hope abound in you today dear one as you come to him and seek his counsel and answers.