Through the Terrains with Jesus | 015

We finally reached our destination. It seemed like forever to get there. As soon as we drove up we all got off, gathered our things and began to walk our way up to the door.

It was then I began to feel it all.

I knew I was a feeler in the Spirit realm. I have been learning how to walk that out and discern it all. But this time, it wasn’t anything what I experienced or seen before. It was much more……. darker.

I didn’t understand right then, but I could discern different spirits in the atmosphere.

“God is this why you kept showing me this dream because it seems to be happening right before my eyes. Be with me, be with us.”

It was all a training moment, but I didn’t know then. I began to see why there are times God pulls you away to keep you into a place with you and Him to learn, grow, and be trained. Because in times like these, if we walk in these places untrained, we wouldn’t know how to react.

I began to pray Psalm 91 and John 3:16 as those were the ones the Lord put on my heart to pray out loud. And let me tell you, once I began to pray those and speak those with my hand stretched out towards the one I was praying over, this heat came upon my body (me knowing the Holy Spirit is intervening) and I began to see the body move. I saw it like no other. Along with my siblings. We began to see things that were astonishing in our eyes.

Then suddenly this dark presence swept through. A spirit I knew not of. I couldn’t discern what it was but immediately I knew it wasn’t Gods presence or the Holy Spirit but the evil spirit that tried to bring fear and intimidate me.

As I walked out the room, I walked outside, I began to pray and ask God what that was. I was curious. See, before I would never ask God questions, but now, I am that child that asks a million questions. (laughing inside here). And there is no wrong in that, we want to ask our Father questions.

So often we feel afraid to come to him with our burdens or questions. We feel our questions are too small, too large, or that He has better things to do and answer than us. But can I tell you this, as I learned through that process of walking that spiritual terrain….

He is ready for us to come to Him with our questions and more than ready to answer them. On his timing of course. The more we ask Him questions, the more we grow dear friend. I learned that. Sometimes he will answer right way and sometimes he will answer the next day or the following week. But he will answer. He isn’t just our Father, but our teacher who trains us for the battle we are to come up against. If we don’t ask him questions, how will we ever know or grow? If we don’t walk the training terrain, how then will we ever be prepared to fight in the battle?

Though God answered my question right away, he poured out more in that time. He poured out so much of what He was showing me in that terrain that he told me to pull out my phone, open the notes, and write. And that I did. It was long. It was personal. It was what I saw more deeper in the spiritual realm of what goes down in the spiritual realm. Although I am thankful to have been released from that terrain, I was also grateful He was there with me, thankful for the Holy Spirit’s leading through it all. Telling me what to pray, what to say, when to walk out and when to step in.

All while fighting my own battle at home with what we were walking through, there I was fighting for someone in the spiritual realm. There I was, not for people, but because I felt called to go and do. And that I did.

We may never understand when he tells us “go and do _____”, but I can assure you, he will never leave you in that. If he has called you to that place, called you to minister to another mom who’s needing emotional help, the wife who feels unseen and unloved, the friend that feels abandoned and alone, wherever God calls you to minister to that person, you can be assured he will lead guide and show you what to do and say in that moment and time. We just need to trust him enough in that as we take that step forward. Not only does it help that person, but it trains you and helps you deep within.

You’ll begin to see the fruit of it soon. You’ll begin to see the blooming blossoms on that fruit tree that you’ve been tending to for quite some time, and you will begin to see a whole new you that you never once knew. Because now, you are feeding the good fruit, stepping in to where God is calling you to go, laying down barriers and killing those deep rooted weeds so you can flourish into the child, daughter, God intends for you to be.

What step have you missed taking because you weren’t sure?

Repent and ask God for forgiveness. Ask him to show you once again, what that step is friend, and take it with full faith knowing He is already there and even in the next 10 steps….